Promoter:in (m/w/d) 1.FC Union Knisternde Stimmung und stürmischer Jubel – Du feierst Fußball live im Stadion und möchtest mal hinter den Kulissen mit anpacken? Wir haben den passenden Job für Dich. Als Cashless Payment Promoter:in wandelst Du Bargeld in Bezahlkarten-Guthaben für hungrige und durstige Gäste um – im schönen Fußballstadion vom 1.FC Union. Was wir […]

8. Februar 2024



Du bist aufgeschlossen, kommunikativ und hast Lust auf knisternde Stadionatmosphäre. Du willst bei Bayer 04 Leverkusen hinter die Kulissen schauen oder fieberst sonst selbst mit in der BayArena? Dann bist Du bei uns genau richtig! Wir bieten Dir das Stadionambiente hautnah, spannende Weiterentwicklungsmöglichkeiten im Hostessbereich und einen Job mit garantiertem WOW-Effekt. Was wir Dir bieten: […]

1. Februar 2024



In the world of traveling, booking and high-quality service it is quite important to promote your hostel/hotel, especially when you are planning to host celebrities or politicians. One good method that guarantees success is to shoot an add. We are here at your service to write the best script and help you implement your ideas […]

10. April 2018


digital, topics


What we are capable of usually gets discovered in some stressful or emergency situations. However, here at our branding agency, we help our clients avoid such situations and solve all the issues in time with minimum effort and maximum effect. Our creative designers, developers, and managers work to improve your business and provide excellent marketing […]

6. April 2018


apps, creative, studio


Food industry leaders often change their promoters. This can be useful for either side, unless one of the sides is looking to get more than a monetary reward out of this deal. Many companies that sell food products or are a restaurant or a cafe need a massive ad campaign that can compete with the […]

2. April 2018


creative, digital


In today’s global situation, ads play one of the biggest roles in media. Psychologists suggest that we (regular users) allow other people (markets, businesses, traders) make the choice for us by clicking on their ads, open their websites etc. Bright and shiny advertisements grab our attention with the message, the image and, of course, pricing. […]

28. März 2018


digital, topics


NEW YORK timelapse from dimid on Vimeo. Exciting news for all our readers, subscribers, and clients – the agency was nominated for multiple awards at the latest New York Gala Ad Event, where young and successful teams compete with catchy ads, branding achievements, and digital design development. It happened so fast, and we are proud […]

24. März 2018


creative, studio


 Take a look at our designers, project managers and developers and learn more about our office life! See our routine that helps us come up with all the branding stuff for your businesses, and contact us today if you wish to join our wonderful team! Thank you for giving us a chance to help you […]

20. März 2018


creative, digital


Minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error […]

16. März 2018


digital, topics


Marketers collect as much data as possible and analyze it with the best and the worst prospective for your business. They look in the future and see the achievable goals to find the best tools to make it all happen. If you wish to learn more about achieving the goals, get a free consultation from […]

12. März 2018


creative, studio
